01 Dec, 2016 1211
Art is a small word but really big world. Animation is a small form of the world of art which involves almost all the other forms.So it extends the invitation to the folks practicing any division or type of art. Even I don’t need to mention any, just when one considers he is engaged in the same.
Now its time to share my thought on the technical aspect of animation. If its an art form like other then the first sketch of cave art also had the technique and tools utilized. If the charcoal was the tool then way to hold it and determining which wall to draw on was the technique.Then pencil, paper, brush ,color, canvas and so on. Why don’t we consider set, light, sound and camera as tools? These give enough clue as to what are the tools and techniques of animation.
So friends, software is to be treated as a tool and not the animation. Respectively techniques have no limit or list.
I like to think of myself as a creative professional. At a very early stage I was besotted with the urge to create something of my own. Hence my brainchild; Mayabious Art was born. Having taken this forward with technological innovation and animation techniques, Mayabious Art grew from strength to strength to mold into one […]
April 18, 2017
January 4, 2017
January 4, 2017
December 1, 2016
April 18, 2017
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