Few Things To Know Before You Come To Animation

04 Jan, 2017 1191

Few Things To Know Before You Come To Animation

There is no better guide line than
Do whati you love ,
Love what you do.”
But we definitely need to know what to do it and how to love.



If it is animation what you want do then it’s a great business to deal with.Why I say business because it’s serious.reason being
1. The demand of animation is rapidly growing so the animators.But the point is quality not the quantity.its not enough to just do a course and know the softwares.you need to acquire in depth knowledge and high skill sets.
2. It involves two most of the important skills. Artistic skill set and technical skill set. Both have same importance so you could have any one of them or both.And you have to evolve and dig deep into it fully ,rigorously,constantly.
3. Every day produces new challenges like any other great business. One who enjoys learning through challenges are only invited.
4. Time and discipline are the two key ingredients to cherish. Animation is one art form brought into modern time by the western people undoubtedly and they are great in both of these so are successful .Time is less with us so discipline becomes hectic. Now you are the one need to manage.
5. If you have been average in initial days of life and study then also you definitely have hope but should not expect a great package at the start of your career. You need to be in the industry patiently and follow the above mentioned points
6. After all anything can happen like any other industries but best part is that it’s still growing so lot of changes will happen and evolve itself for the best…………………………….to be continued




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I like to think of myself as a creative professional. At a very early stage I was besotted with the urge to create something of my own. Hence my brainchild; Mayabious Art was born. Having taken this forward with technological innovation and animation techniques, Mayabious Art grew from strength to strength to mold into one […]